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Old 02-05-2011, 12:10 PM
issue 37
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: South Wales
Posts: 1,244
Re: what do y'all think?
Originally Posted by Sarcasmo
What's funny is that most religious people (especially Christians in this country) feel like their rights are being trampled on by atheist groups, when there has been a steady increase in religiosity since the early 1800's. You can't be oppressed if you're the majority opinion
I wish someone would tell that to the populist commentators in this country, many of whom make a healthy living from regular frothing about how white people are the real victims of racism, how men are more discriminated against than women, how homosexuals have more rights than heterosexuals, how Muslims are always getting special treatment and Christians are the most vilified, etc etc.

Of course there are Christians being persecuted around the world in different ways - and certainly there are a greater number of more vocal/vociferous non-believers around these days. Christians living in countries where their religion in the dominant one (such as the US and UK) will of course feel the brunt of that. But still - perspective frequently seems to go out the window.


OK... would I be pushing it too far by posting another pic?

(that's the last one from me before you have permission to call me Mongoose )