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Old 02-05-2011, 07:04 AM
issue 37
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: South Wales
Posts: 1,244
Re: what do y'all think?
Originally Posted by Andrea View Post
this picture is interesting, now I see the point of the "walking on water" story
but who is the story for? the conventional logic people or the religious?
Assuming you mean the walking on water story, the 'or' is a bit misleading. The story is obviously for the religious - but clearly there are plenty of believers who take a more conventional logic (ie. less literalist) approach to biblical stories than others, which is probably why I didn't interpret the picture as being about biblical literalism. Personally I took it as an atheist-centric reference to the famous burden of proof argument for God's existence.

Just to be clear, posting it was no more than a little good-humoured mischief making on my part. True, I consider the logic of the religious person deeply muddled when it comes to the issue of belief in God or gods (I'm sure plenty think mine equally muddled) - but it would be a far stretch for me to conclude from it that religious people reject logic in any other area of their life.