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Old 10-22-2010, 01:14 PM
powered by robuts
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Babylon & Ting
Posts: 380
Re: 2010-10-30 - 4th and B, San Diego
The guy I talked to said (and I'm paraphrasing here) that AEG did the booking but ticket sales were sluggish, so Reset was hired to aid in promotion, beef up the lighting/soundsystem and make it more like a Halloween party.
Reset wanted Underworld to go on later but AEG doesn't like their artists ending after midnight, so the times he mentioned as possibilities were 8-11, 9-12, and 10-1.

With the whole event going from 7-4, I suspect that the AEG-booked acts have a 4-hour window to fill, with the Reset-booked acts filling out the night.

Why would Underworld would be crammed into such a short time slot, though? Perhaps they're contractually bound to be done by a certain time? 10-11:45 would be a bit more reasonable, IMHO.

I too opted for SD after last year's HARD debacle, and while the 21+ certainly helps, I'm still a bit bummed at how this is seemingly turning out...though if they go on at all it'll be better than last time.
(trying to get all my complaining out of my system now and enjoy myself on the night)