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Old 09-29-2010, 08:03 AM
future pundit
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 148
Re: version 3.5 thread
Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
I would try e-mailing Sales again and say they sent you the wrong canned response. They're inundated with Barking inquiries right now. You might want to wait a bit too because of that.
I did email back immediately to that effect, and got no answer. :|

I've been patient -- it's been weeks since I first contacted them about this, I've tried the re-download function on the web site and emailed both underworldlive and Digital Animal repeatedly, and the only response of any kind was a single canned email that made it painfully evident they hadn't actually read any of my queries -- now I'm hoping someone else in the community also purchased the lossless version of I'm a Big Sister and can help me straighten this out, since going through official channels appears futile.
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