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Old 08-28-2010, 06:54 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: switzerland
Posts: 459
2010-08-29 Zurich Openair Tracklist
hey there,

this is fresh off the press (i.e. I just returned home). Tracklist for UW's 2010 Zurich gig:
  1. Downpipe
  2. Always Loved A Film
  3. Two Months Off
  4. Scribble
  5. Strumpet
  6. Rez/Cowgirl
  7. Between Stars
  8. Diamon Jigsaw
  9. King of Snake
  10. NUXX

Duration: ~85min (~0:25 - 1:50)
Additional info (some may not be so new to the regulars here, though ...)
- Different Stage Layout: Rick & Darren's Desk was facing the audience, with Karl perpendicular on the right side (Macs to the left & back of the stage).
- Rick helped singing the chorus lines for most of the "new" songs.
- New backdrop: there was an awesome led grid in the background (strands of cables 10, 20 cm resolution). A conventional canvas was pulled up for some of the songs, though.
- During Rez, Karl was dancing behind an illuminated screen (2x3m lit canvas) to the left of the stage.
- KoS without "teh big lazer", but still: all the stage immersed in green lights (and one person manually shining a green spotlight at Karl). A very nice touch I thought
- KoS' last break was heavily improvised, I've never heard it this way.
- There were some kind of technical problems, UW's 4th member (Chief Executive Roadie Graham(? Scott? I can't seem to remember his name just now :/ The one that looks very much like Rick ) was present on the stage during the first 2/3 of the show, crawling into the mixing desk and plugging cables here and there. The PA sound was fine, though, I guess it was some problem with the monitoring.
- Still the same "crew song" after the gig: Max Romeo's "Chase The Devil" :P
0x7577343536|member of "publish darc!" comittee

Last edited by sanakan; 08-28-2010 at 07:04 PM.