Thread: Barking Lyrics
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Old 07-17-2010, 11:32 AM
khondo dweller
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 581
Re: Barking Lyrics
The first thing I thought of when they announced "Barking" as the album title was the King of Snake (Barking Mix). Underworld seem to fall in love with certain words that swim around in their work for a while, particularly involving dogs: dogman, dogdirtyboy, dogboy, barking, probably more I'm forgetting. There was also Ansum, which was meant to be the AHDO title before being moved over to the Ansum instrumental track we used to know as "Short Bit for Web" or something like that. There was also the Cowgirl (Winjer Mix) and that word got carried on to a Beaucoup Fish song.