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Old 07-12-2010, 04:01 PM
the fuckest upest
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: dustbin of europe
Posts: 1,201
Re: FIFA World Cup 2010
Originally Posted by BrotherLovesDub View Post
I enjoyed the experience of the World Cup. Watched it every day it was on. I will enjoy watching 4 rounds of the British Open like I enjoyed watching Wimbledon, like I enjoyed watching the NCAA Final Four, like I enjoyed watching the NFL/NBA playoffs, like I enjoy watching the Tour De France etc. etc. I enjoy watching lots of sports but I also like to be realistic. Soccer/Football is full of a bunch of pussies. The faking/diving/crying that goes on is absurd. The supporters who claim it's superior because the game doesn't stop are fooling themselves. To say they are tougher because they don't wear pads is so fucking absurd, it's useless to argue. I watch all kinds of sports and I find faults in all of them. If only people like Ian could admit the serious flaws in their beloved sport, I wouldn't have to continue to make the point.
most of us on here watch other sports too you know and don't feel the need to make crass comments about other people's favourites.

to quote you " i enjoyed the experience of the world cup" and then again " football is full of a bunch of pussies" ..... you don't know what you're on about!
The truth, as ever, is subjective