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Old 03-10-2010, 05:40 PM
Where in the world...?
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: US
Posts: 1,437
Re: alice in wonderland (3-d)
It was certainly a step up from the standard Tim Burton fare - which in my opinion is generally beautiful to look at, but sorely lacking in story. But I still left the screening I saw already forgetting the film, feeling like I had just watched a bunch of stuff happening that I never cared much about. After thinking back on why, I realized it was Alice herself that was the problem for me. Her performance was so bland and un-engaging that I really felt as if there was nothing to latch onto and care about throughout the film. So instead of leaving feeling like I had just seen a character I was emotionally invested in go through some amazing, harrowing, scary, or exciting scenarios, I instead left feeling, as I said, like I had just watched a bunch of stuff happening.

And yeah, that stupid, dumb dance. It was so....stupid and dumb.

P.S. Hey Ian - we have the exact same number of posts. 1,269. Strange.
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