Thread: hello, world
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Old 03-03-2010, 11:06 AM
Where in the world...?
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Re: hello, world
Originally Posted by //\/\/ View Post
jesus, sean - that's one lny site there! but i can see how a person could have fun with them...
There have been some exchanges that literally scared me - like a thread that was all about how there needs to be a modern day civil war - a violent overthrow of the government. A couple quotes:

"The Answer for the Federal Govt will be to use U.N. troops from about any other country. I think these troops will be happy to use force against what has been the most powerful country in the world simply because of their years of jealousy of our prosperity and having such a wonderful country. Remember, blue helmets will make excellent targets, should the time come. And, according to my premonition, we are approaching the last 12 months in which the war is going to strike. God bless and help us save America, and return her to the Christian country she was founded for."

"WE the TRUE PATRIOTS of this great Nation, who believe in this REPUBLIC and HER CONSTITUTION have had it period with all the progressives mamby pamby bullshit!! However with that said, Its not entirely just the progressive pos, its the attitude of all THE ELITIST SHITHEADS who occupy Washington, demorats and repubnics alike!!!! The audacity of these morons is outstanding, they really think they can continue to shove their shit down our throats without recourse??

"I say go ahead and continue to push us, I really don't think they will like it to much how we push back!!!

"It might sound stupid to most, but when the shit hits the fan, I'd rather have republicans as my buddies. I have yet to greet a democrat that can hunt and live off the land. If their is a civil war republicans know what type of terrain the US has cause of all the hunting and etc... : ) Hopefully next year will be my gun purchase year : ) R700 / M4 is all I'm going to need : )"

"At this criminal pace, there will have to be simply to save ourselves and restore our constitutional rights and freedoms these Progressive scoundrels keep stripping away from us.
And just why do you think they keep wanting to take away our right to bear arms time and again? Far too late, liberals! The true American citizen is armed to the teeth already, and is perhaps one of the largest armed forces in the world."

But since these are the people that I think pose the biggest threat to American society today, I'm very keen on being informed about what they believe.
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Last edited by Sean; 03-03-2010 at 12:05 PM.