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Old 01-19-2010, 11:40 AM
froopy seal
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Re: Everybody Was Euro-Dancing
Originally Posted by holden View Post
There are some absolute gems in that tracklist!
I'm very tempted to download because rhythm, in fact, is a dancer and i like to move it move it
Oi, now there's a frood who knows where his towel's at!

Thanks to the both of you! I'm happy that you take an interest in the mix. It took quite a while and endells pain to the ears to go through those Giga-piles of 90s trash with only so much as the occasional ray of hope in between. [/self-pity] Ah, wth, it WAS a bit fun, too.

I should add, maybe, that the tracklist is quite "Teuto-centric", i.e., I chose the tracks based on their popularity in Germany at the time, and lots of the tracks contain German "lyrics", a.k.a., samples.