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Old 04-15-2009, 05:47 AM
Sounding Like A Chainsaw
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Dublin
Posts: 133
Re: - Underworld Gigography :)
I have a gig that is missing from the gigography.

The first time I went to see Underworld was in 1996 in a venue called the SFX in Dublin. It was at the start of 1996, and I remember it being around the time of the Waterford gig. It was definitely after the gig in the Mean Fiddler in October 1995 and before the gig in the Point in August 1996.

I've searched the web for a mention of the gig to confirm the details but I can't find any. Can anyone here shed some light? Was anyone here at the gig?

It was just Darren Price DJing and Underworld live, so they played a good long set, split in two I think, with a short set by Darren in the middle. I remember being disappointed that there were no visuals projected that night. They played epic long versions of Dark Train, Cowgirl / Rez, and Pearls Girl and many others. Karl may have used this line at every gig, but at the end, the house lights came up and he came back onto the stage and told us the cops were outside and were shutting them down, but then the others came back out and hit play on Nuxx and the roof nearly came off.