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Old 03-08-2009, 04:38 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 151
Re: Happy Birthday
I was 16 at College in Chesterfield (England), and my brother gave me his hand me down walkman so I could finally listen to music on the go! I had a few cassette mixes with Dubno and Orbital, Leftfield etc on and on that day I skipped most of my classes and headed into town to look in a few music shops and it was looking at me with it's blue glow! I had to buy it! and it was on cassete tape at £5 (bargain!).
I put it on straight away and never went back to college that day, felt like I had just discovered an amazing piece of treasure!!
Still listen to the album a lot now and have converted many friends to Underworld fans with this album!