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Old 12-15-2008, 02:53 AM
a small-minded madman
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: minneapolis
Posts: 248
Re: Watch out for that shoe, Mr. President!

"This is the farewell kiss," reporter Muntadhar al-Zaidi yelled as he hurled the footwear -- a strong sign of contempt in Arab culture.

But Bush, who ducked the flying footwear, told reporters aboard Air Force One afterward that the "bizarre" incident was not a sign of popular opinion in the country he ordered U.S. forces to invade in 2003.

Hmm... I find it hard to believe that this is NOT the popular opinion in Iraq.

edit: as I further read the quoted article from CNN, I found this line:

"Iraq has been far more costly to the United States with more than 4,200 Americans killed and costs estimates of more than $600 billion."

What about the 90,000 Iraqi's that have been killed? I guess their lives aren't worth as much as an American's, seeing how they aren't even mentioned. I guess that could to so that the American's don't know what evil their country is doing. I remember when my parents were here two months ago. It was there first time overseas and they said "All they show on the news is the US bombing, attacking and killing people". As if they couldn't believe that the US was actually doing such things. Go figure...

Last edited by myrrh; 12-15-2008 at 03:03 AM.