Thread: Star Trek XI
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Old 11-18-2008, 06:51 AM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 607
Re: Star Trek XI
Most Star Trek movies have been great... First Contact is one of my favourite movies of all time.
But this looks more like a mindless action movie than a Star Trek movie. Of course, action is very important for Star Trek, but characterization, humor, dialoge and plot always had priority... First Contact was perfect in this regard.

However XI will suck... telling from the trailer, the major themes are ridiculous: "You can get it if you really want"? Spock's Human-Vulcan conflict? As if we hadn't seen those before... Even JJ Abrams admitted that it will be a action movie for the masses.
The bad CGI and the 'modern blueish' look that already destroyed DH4 won't help either...
And then this guy at the end of the trailer proclaims "the wait is over!"... This is even worse than the fucking CGI-mole that opened Indiana Jones 4.

I'm going to see it, but I'll expect nothing so I can't be disappointed.