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Old 11-06-2008, 01:56 AM
smiling pussy
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 26
Re: 2008 Tour details
Originally Posted by CaliWeed View Post
I would have never thought of this myself. Thanks!

In the end, it comes to this question indeed. AS they are the headliner, I do expect them to give a proper sized set. But it still is a festival-gig.

What makes it worth it maybe, would a good organised festival (and good weather, which won't be a problem I think.) That's why I'm hoping someone here has experience with these Summadayze festivals. I'll ask in the Australia thread (thanks for the link, TheBang).
Summadayze is brilliant if you love coked up idiots and spending most of your time queuing for toilets/drinks/anything else. I've been to many, and whilst they used to be a lot of fun years ago, now they're just another festival where it's "cool" to be seen at. You couldn't pay me enough money to ever go back.
I'm really sad that this is appearing to be the only UW gig in Melbourne, as are the many UW fans that have the same opinion of Summadayze as me.