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Old 10-21-2008, 10:21 PM
Sappys Curry
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 155
Re: Introduce Yourselves
Hello. I'm 25 and from the US. I'm a big Underworld fan. I got into the group back in the first couple of months of 2000. I found a remix of Jumbo on some 'techno' compilation disc. I loved the song, and eventually wanted to buy to buy the album with the original Jumbo on it. So I bought the CD for Beaucoup Fish. Amusingly, now in retrospect, I preferred the remix of Jumbo over the original, real Jumbo; but only at first. But I delved into that album. I really liked it and gave it a lot of play time. Over repeated listens, I started to like it a lot. I started learning the ins and outs of the album, and soon I was an Underworld fan. I liked the group, so once I became a fan, I decided to try out their other albums. I didn't know about the 1980s albums then, so I had Dubnobass, STITI, and the Pearl's Girl EP to choose from.

I bought Dunobass first. I like Beaucoup Fish. I like it a lot. But I love Dubnobass. As was the case with Beaucoup Fish, it took some time before I could really appreciate this album. I love this album. Next I checked out the Pearl's Girl EP, which I liked because there are some great tracks on it. Then I got STITI. I didn't think I'd find another Underworld album that'd be as great as Dubnobass. But wouldn't you know it, STITI blew me away, too. And I love that album, as well. Once I came to love both Dubnobass and STITI, I came to view myself as a huge Underworld fan. I love this music group, and they (along with U2) are my favorite music artist/s (they stand 'side by side' in my book. ).

Once I became a big fan of UW, I've been following them ever since. I have their two latest albums, the River Run downloads, and more songs, EPs, and singles from them. I have a good bulk of their electronica material and I want to keep acquiring more of their electronica material. Unfortunately, I have yet to buy their 1980's albums as either UW or Freur. Also, I have not been to a concert of theirs before, but I hope to see them the next time they tour the US. Despite this, I still consider myself a big UW fan, as I love this group, I love their music, and they are one of those artists that have made an impact on my life.

Whew! I typed quite a bit. I guess it is just good to share my enthusiasm for the group with fans that can understand where I am coming from.