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Old 08-07-2008, 09:53 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: east coast usa
Posts: 2,426
Re: Beautiful Burnout - Art Jam, New York
car rental : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
gas money : $$$$$$
toll money to ny : $$$

getting paid time off from work, to go to ny,
hang out with karl, rick, and john warwicker, and
the rest of the tomato people : priceless

i am SO TIRED RIGHT NOW, i can hardly type....
i have to sleep for a few hours, and then take off
to new jersey for the festival tommorow, and then
go to baltimore the day after that..

i have about 8 pages of handwritten notes....but you know
what, maybe we need a different approach....i don't even
know how i'm going to collate this data...

and does anyone really care?????

most of it is just my personal musings about what was
going on, and how it happened, was more like
a lot of conversations..............

i think i'll just do the approach : from a journalists point
of view, and leave myself out of it doesn't come
across as braggy, pretentious, or biased....

we'll see...

oh , and Thebang, and lloyd, check your pm..