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-   -   British muslims protest Bin ladens death (https://www.borndirty.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17462)

human151 05-06-2011 12:27 PM

British muslims protest Bin ladens death
right outside the US embassy. Burning the US flag and chanting "USA you will pay".

THis is insulting as an American and as a human being, that these people would protest because a Mass murderer was killed.

Wow, muslims are nice.

Its also really insulting that these protests would come form the U.K., the closest friend of the USA. The country we are most culturally similar with. Simply amazing the british people would do something like this.

So....you are all probably going to sauy that there is nothing wrong with these muslims protesting this issue, huh?

human151 05-06-2011 01:05 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
The bin Laden supporters waved banners reading "US govt are the real terrorists" and US leaders were branded "murderers" by the radicals, who warned revenge attacks were "guaranteed".

"It is only a matter of time before another atrocity -- the West is the enemy," Abu Muaz, 28, from east London, said.

This is brilliant.

stimpee 05-06-2011 02:09 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
These people are idiots. there have been interviews with a lot of British muslims on UK TV over the past week and they are distancing themselves from brainless morons like these.

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-06-2011 03:18 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Tell me about it. Don't these people have something more productive to do with their time?? I mean, have you heard of the SLUT PRIDE PARADES?? Now THAT'S a parade I could get into . . .

Deckard 05-07-2011 06:06 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by stimpee (Post 150300)
Tthere have been interviews with a lot of British muslims on UK TV over the past week and they are distancing themselves from brainless morons like these.

You do realise he's not listening, right?

Sean 05-07-2011 11:43 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by human151 (Post 150298)
So....you are all probably going to sauy that there is nothing wrong with these muslims protesting this issue, huh?

Nope. What I'll say is that...


Originally Posted by human151 (Post 150298)
Wow, muslims are nice.

...labeling Muslims as a whole because of the actions of some is unfounded.

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-07-2011 11:48 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Yeah, I mean, the same could said about White Conservatives. That just ain't right.

human151 05-07-2011 05:08 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by jOHN rODRIGUEZ (Post 150318)
Yeah, I mean, the same could said about White Conservatives. That just ain't right.

yeah, because white conservative hijack passenger jets and fly them into buildings, they also kidnap journalists and film themselves cutting their heads off, oh and white conservatives yell "god is great" before they blow themselves up while in the middle of a crowd. Oh, I'm sorry, did I mean to say muslims did all those things? Yeah.

I find it hysterical that most who browse this board will go out of their way to be try to PC.

SOme, like the poster above me even equates MUSLIMS terrorists with "white conservatives" lol. How can you even take an opinion like that seriously.

I find it hilarious that sometimes religious christians are mocked by liberals and made fun of generally, but generally, the muslim religion in 10x as strict on most things religion bleeds into the everyday life of most muslims, but liberals give them a pass. Its as if liberals will be on the side of whomever is perceived to be the victim.

Its pretty sad that even the of the biggest liberals even talks about muslims



jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-07-2011 05:36 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
They ARE quite famous with putting words in peoples mouths, that's fer shuuuure.

I never said any of those words you just typed right there. ???? Allow me to try to spell it out to ya, yeah?

This part hear in Sean's posting(sorry about the non-craftyness in the internets labeling thingys here((((LONG STORY))))):

***labeling Muslims as a whole because of the actions of some is unfounded.***


jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-07-2011 06:50 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
I just thought of a better comparison. Not ALL White Conservatives suck dong in bathrooms or crystal meth. orgy type sexual encounters.


But they do still live in comfort even if they do. So it's all good. *THUMBS UP!*

Professor 05-08-2011 08:30 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
If I may....

The one thing that stands out to me is that "hate" protesting was allowed. In the US, hate crimes...that is to say, those that are crimes of pure hatred and disrespect toward a particular group of people, (black, white, gay, straight, Christian, Muslim..you get the point) are not tolerated. Neither are gatherings of hate. For example... you can't gather publicly and start chanting about how much hate _______ people, and that they should all be killed or hurt. You can air your grievances, but you can't incite people to go out and do harm. You do have the freedom to complain, but you can't yell "fire" in a movie theater and cause a panic and then defend yourself with the free speech argument.
In my opinion, protesting the killing of Bin Laden is an agreeable protest... I mean, how could it not be.. it's a very touchy subject with many sides. Did he deserve to die? Probably. Is it our government's responsibility to actually seek out and kill him... gray area. Will we all be safer because he's dead.... probably not. The point is, that many people will have many different opinions about it, and they all have the right to gather and holler about it.... but what they can't, or should I say, shouldn't do, is start saying things like "the West will pay" and "kill americans" and so on. Those are threats, and rooted in hate, and in this country that sort of thing wouldn't be tolerated.

I quote Dave Chapelle "If you've got hate in your heart... LET IT OUT"

Carry on...

Side note. If you are under the age of 18, what the hell do you know?

bryantm3 05-08-2011 09:45 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by Professor (Post 150329)

Side note. If you are under the age of 18, what the hell do you know?

how'd you find out he was under 18?

it seems his sub-title says 'deletion'. i hope he made it that versus someone banning him or deleting him— i don't agree with banning anyone that i don't agree with.

back to the main subject— those people are jerks and should probably go back home where they'll be happier being certifiably insane.

i think the reason people disagree with you, human151, is that you seem to stereotype the entire religion as having the same views as the extremists, saying "muslims" as a whole. we don't disagree with you that the people carrying out these protests are motherfuckers. but we do disagree with lumping them in with a group of 1.2 billion people and calling them all the same thing— many of us have muslim friends that carry out some degree of observance, and we can guarantee you that none of them are terrorists or would go to a protest against osama's being killed.

are you familiar with fred phelps, the G-d hates fags guy? it would be like me saying that all christians are like him, homophobic, anti-america, hate-mongering, etc., when obviously that isn't the case. but put yourself into the shoes of someone in, say, indonesia, where there is a low christian population. who's going to make the news over there, the christian who minds his own business and performs acts of love, or fred phelps? the opposite is true about muslims— you hear about this group of muslims overseas who are completely evil, and you associate all muslims with that group because you aren't famiiar with that group.

let's phrase this a different way. you order pizza from domino's all the time, and don't get sick. tonight you order a pizza from domino's, with your favourite toppings on it, pepperoni, onions and red pepper. but tonight, you decide to try something different— tonight you decide to add anchovies to your pizza. the pizza arrives, you eat it, and go to sleep. at 4 AM you wake up and puke all over the floor.

now here's the question: what made you sick?

your gut reaction is the anchovies, right? because you weren't familiar with them and you figured they were the thing that made you sick.

well, it turns out the pepperoni was what made you sick because they left it out all night and it got gooey and gross.

but i promise you won't think of that first. that's basically how you're interpreting the actions of these muslims overseas— you aren't familiar with the group so you lump them all into one big group.

here's a final question for you. there are 1.2 billion muslims in the world, the largest religious group second only to christians at around 2.1 billion. if all muslims are terrorists, or associated with terrorists, why aren't we all fucking dead?

Deckard 05-08-2011 11:18 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Prof and Bryant - well said, chaps.


Originally Posted by human151
Its also really insulting that these protests would come form the U.K., the closest friend of the USA. The country we are most culturally similar with. Simply amazing the british people would do something like this.

^^ This one's a classic even by your standards!


Originally Posted by human151
So....you are all probably going to sauy that there is nothing wrong with these muslims protesting this issue, huh?

Protest = fine.

Incitement to violence = not fine.

These protestors overstepped the mark into incitement ("USA you will pay") so yes, I see plenty wrong with what they were doing.

If however you're asking whether we agree with the object of the protest - do we agree that the killing of OBL was wrong... well it's true that I'm not entirely comfortable with state-sponsored assassination per se - but try as I might, I'm struggling to shed any tears about this one. Nope. Nothing but dry eyes here. In fact, how do I feel about bin Laden no longer being around? Pretty damn good. If we're to believe what we've been told by the US, then I think the way it was carried out was brave and appropriate. I give far more of a shit about the hundreds of innocent Pakistani and Afghan civilians who have been killed by US drone attacks than I do about the death of OBL. The world is better off without him.


Originally Posted by human151
SOme, like the poster above me even equates MUSLIMS terrorists with "white conservatives" lol.

I think the point jOHN was trying to make was that generalizing about over a billion Muslims is as daft as generalizing about white conservatives. I don't believe there was any serious attempt by jOHN to suggest that flying planes into skyscrapers, killing thousands of people, and beheading innocent tourists is no worse than a Republican congressman preaching family values while secretly sucking the saucy sausage in an airport bathroom. Seriously. But then you already knew that, didn't you? You were just pretending he was making a more direct moral equivalence so that you could attack him for that instead. Which is pretty weak of you.

Professor 05-08-2011 11:48 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
For the record, I didn't know anything about 151's age... it just seemed like a childish way of approaching this particular topic.

I think there are some great debates here if people are willing to get into the conversation thoughtfully... think about it before you go off. My quip about being under 18 applies to many here on these forums who are just kids being stupid not h151 in particular. If I had to guess, I'd say there's a troll in the basement.

Professor 05-08-2011 11:54 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
and to be honest... I'm kinda feeling the same thing, Deckard--not sure about state sponsored assassination, but not really upset that he's dead. I think that I'd just rather not know. Sorry to say, that when it comes to killing the bad guy... ding dong the witch is dead works for me.. and when they ask how.... I'd just rather believe a house fell on him.

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-08-2011 12:31 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
Everybody just ignore all the angles, diatribe, ethos, etc. in all the above and refer to my example. It's quick and to the point. And if you still don't get it, you're stupid or something. Get tutoring.


Originally Posted by Deckard (Post 150332)
. . . But then you already knew that, didn't you? You were just pretending he was making a more direct moral equivalence so that you could attack him for that instead. Which is pretty weak of you.

Wait, for reals? What an a-hole, I thought there was something special about me.

Professor 05-08-2011 12:53 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
hey john... cmnd/B dude.

bryantm3 05-08-2011 09:04 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by Professor (Post 150334)
For the record, I didn't know anything about 151's age... it just seemed like a childish way of approaching this particular topic.

I think there are some great debates here if people are willing to get into the conversation thoughtfully... think about it before you go off. My quip about being under 18 applies to many here on these forums who are just kids being stupid not h151 in particular. If I had to guess, I'd say there's a troll in the basement.

i'm not too eager to jump on someone because of their age— i'm 21, and so many times i have been put aside in debates by people older than me simply by "you're not even drinking age yet, what do you know?", which typically happened when i made a good point and they could no longer defend their position. it's an ad-persona argument which i try to avoid at all costs— they aren't really relevant and detract from the issue at hand.

and for the record i don't get the two posts above me.

Future Proof 05-08-2011 09:07 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
The people that protested and burnt US flags, as well as those that committed acts of terror on 9/11 aren't fit to be called Muslims. They're practicing from an extremist's point of view, an interpretation that unfortunately spawned the idea that killing in the name of Allah was acceptable.

It's like insinuating that the wonderful folk of Westboro Baptist Church speak for all Christians. The WBC folk happen to pray to the same God, but from there it gets all convoluted and everyone seems to calmly recognize this.

Come on Arab Spring!

Professor 05-09-2011 07:12 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
cmnd/b = toggle bold type face.

Future Proof... I agree.

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-09-2011 11:06 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by Future Proof (Post 150348)
The people that protested and burnt US flags, as well as those that committed acts of terror on 9/11 aren't fit to be called Muslims. They're practicing from an extremist's point of view, an interpretation that unfortunately spawned the idea that killing in the name of Allah was acceptable.

It's like insinuating that the wonderful folk of Westboro Baptist Church speak for all Christians. The WBC folk happen to pray to the same God, but from there it gets all convoluted and everyone seems to calmly recognize this.

Come on Arab Spring!

Yeah, I shoulda used this example as it doesn't bring in all the extra ??? that go along with gay people. Or something I guess.

I just wanted to get a jab into gay people I hate, and their hypocrite political butt buddies that apparently love them for lying too if it means being all "Straight Ahead". (wink, wink, - I don't WANT your kind to like me).

//\/\/ 05-09-2011 05:04 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
(I notice tit-for-brains left the discussion...)

Sean 05-09-2011 08:00 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by human151 (Post 150320)
I find it hysterical that most who browse this board will go out of their way to be try to PC.

It's not being PC to acknowledge the simple truth that the worst members of any group do not inherently represent that group as a whole. For instance, you frequent the Dirty forums, and yet you are clearly not representative of the group as a whole.

//\/\/ 05-09-2011 09:38 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
I find it hysterical that a bigotted, racist twat drops in with streams of drivel.

potatoes/potatos etc...

Deckard 05-10-2011 01:55 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by //\/\/
I find it hysterical that a bigotted, racist twat drops in with streams of drivel.

I don't think he's bigoted or racist. Just strangely dim for a grown man. It's half capitalism-gone-right, and half evolution-gone-wrong. One of the key things that usually makes more evolved humans stand apart from beasts is their ability (and desire) to move beyond such simplistic tribal views. But there is a percentage of the human population who, for whatever reason, seem to struggle with anything that isn't a stark black and white view of the world - hence the oversimplistic-to-the-point-of-inaccurate generalisations. I don't think it's malice as such, it's just his brain wired up a different way to most grown-ups. All the Homer Simpson-isms ("So I guess you all think.... huh???) are just his unending frustration with himself.

Or maybe he really does have a tit for a brain...

bryantm3 05-10-2011 02:34 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
okay, y'all this is not appropriate. he has a different view from us— it's not right to insult him on a personal level and cite evolutionary theory as to why you think he's an idiot. my mother has an IQ of 156 and she believes this shite. just because someone is misguided does not give us carte blanche to insult him. let's stick to the issues, okay?

//\/\/ 05-10-2011 02:56 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
bollocks to that - he wants straight talking. my view of him isn't just from this crap, but also from previous 'discussions'. I stand by every word. anyway - seems like he's trolled off.

Deckard 05-10-2011 04:03 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
I'm willing to forgive ignorance, I'm just less forgiving of wilful ignorance.

I'm also willing to overlook the odd lapse in judgment, the odd uncalled-for sarcasm or inappropriateness. We all sink to it from time to time. But not nearly all the time. And not directed at everyone else in the very first post of a thread, as with this one. And not in direct response to polite and thoughtful posts from your opponents, as in other threads. Where's the basic courtesy there? Where's the engagement? People here have shown unbending patience with the guy over the years - certainly at the outset of a thread, when he's always had the benefit of the doubt. And it doesn't change a thing.

How many times has he come out with not just an ignorant comment but an offensively ignorant one - absolutely stupid inflammatory remarks that usually begin with "So you're happy for...."? And then one of us will type a careful response, whether brief or at length - and he just proceeds to make a new point or posts a new link, without acknowledging what's been said? It's like he doesn't WANT to engage. You can only treat your opponents like that so many times before people stop taking you seriously.

IQ is irrelevant. This isn't just about his ignorance, and it's certainly not about someone having a different point of view. It's about a more general attitude.

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-10-2011 04:33 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
I remember the Sarc-B calling the 151 guy out a while back on the same thing. Honestly, I don't really remember much of what he's said before. But, I mean, I'm not hear as much as it may appear. This is the only fun place to talk trash on political topics that's actually FUN. For me at least.

bryantm3 05-10-2011 11:40 PM

over the years??? this guy (almost typed goy lol) has only made posts of this type for the past few months. he's only got 30 posts total, most of which are just replies to other posts about video games, movies, etc. your patience is awfully short! if we reduce ourselves to that kind of level so quickly we are pretty much taking our "open-mindedness" argument, lighting it on fire, stomping on it, and then running over it with a ford taurus. i can understand offering explanations, arguments, and good debate, but i don't see the point in running someone down because they have made a couple of posts wherein his misguided opinions are honestly not uncommon in this time period, and generally supported by the mainstream media. if he doesn't reply to our posts, fine, but why turn this into a bashing thread? just let it go, jeez!

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-10-2011 11:51 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by bryantm3 (Post 150387)
over the years??? this guy (almost typed goy lol) has only made posts of this type for the past few months. he's only got 30 posts total, most of which are just replies to other posts about video games, movies, etc. your patience is awfully short! if we reduce ourselves to that kind of level so quickly we are pretty much taking our "open-mindedness" argument, lighting it on fire, stomping on it, and then running over it with a ford taurus. i can understand offering explanations, arguments, and good debate, but i don't see the point in running someone down because they have made a couple of posts wherein his misguided opinions are honestly not uncommon in this time period, and generally supported by the mainstream media. if he doesn't reply to our posts, fine, but why turn this into a bashing thread? just let it go, jeez!

HEY! "Goy" should be the internet word for when you don't know if a person is male or female!!

However much I've always "trusted" B's opinion, I'm kinda in agreement with bryantm3. Do I REALLY need to go all stalker and read all his past posts? tf? I'll just hold my opinion for now. I mean it's not like you guys were never c.s.rs to me. Maybe he's all sensitive though.

bryantm3 05-11-2011 02:06 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
goy is already a word! good suggestion, though.

Deckard 05-11-2011 03:19 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by bryantm3
your patience is awfully short!

Na, your memory is awfully short! He goes back way before the post counter was reset.

// EDIT: I am deleting the rest of what I wrote. Explaining it to you is unavoidably continuing a critique of the guy, and I don't want to go over the top with him ;)

stimpee 05-11-2011 05:06 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
human151 does get everyone going tho :)

Sean 05-11-2011 05:53 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by bryantm3 (Post 150387)
over the years??? this guy (almost typed goy lol) has only made posts of this type for the past few months. he's only got 30 posts total, most of which are just replies to other posts about video games, movies, etc. your patience is awfully short! if we reduce ourselves to that kind of level so quickly we are pretty much taking our "open-mindedness" argument, lighting it on fire, stomping on it, and then running over it with a ford taurus. i can understand offering explanations, arguments, and good debate, but i don't see the point in running someone down because they have made a couple of posts wherein his misguided opinions are honestly not uncommon in this time period, and generally supported by the mainstream media. if he doesn't reply to our posts, fine, but why turn this into a bashing thread? just let it go, jeez!

Human has indeed been around for a few years. Maybe his account was re-set at some point or something, but it's been a slow and steady flow of inanity from the start.

//\/\/ 05-11-2011 03:41 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
bryantm3 - like deckard and sean say; this isn't new... anyway - OOOH LOOK - A GOAT!

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-12-2011 09:13 AM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by bryantm3 (Post 150392)
goy is already a word! good suggestion, though.

Oh, I did not know that. My bad.

human151 05-12-2011 07:46 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by stimpee (Post 150394)
human151 does get everyone going tho :)

which is 50% of my purpose here. You all are pretty much on the same page, politically. I just try to stir things up a bit, form time to time. The other 50% of my purpose is to play devils advocate in a way. You all want to believe that most people are great and everyone loves everyone else, and that the specific groups of people that are causing issues around the world are just a small amount and its really no big deal.

Well, yes it is statistically a small amount of people, I am not ignorant enough to believe that all muslims are horrible people. I am not ignorant enough to believe that half of all muslims are bad. I am not ignoratn enough to believe that even 15% percent are bad. But I am intelligent enough to believe (and admit) that even though the number of muslims which act in a ill manner are statistically minute, it still equals a significant amount of people. Also, even if the amount of muslims which actually kidnap people and cut their heads off is small, there are much more people that support their ideology. If that were not so, then tehy would have been marginalized a long time ago. Instead, they are popular enough, and are able to get the funding, to continue to drag out two wars against the most powerful Nations on earth. Obviously, are marginalized group would not be able to do that.

Imagine some crack pot group of christian zealots waging war for 10 years against the combined power of the United States and England, et al....that would not happen, because these morons could neither get the finding nor popular support to do it. They'd be wiped out in days, if not hours. But, the muslims you people hold so dear and say have only minimal support, are able to wage war against the most powerful nations on earth, for what, 10 years now? Be honest, could a group of religious zealots do this if they did not have widespread support, politically and financially.

As for "british people Protesting" yes, it was inflammatory. I knew that when I started the thread. Be honest, who, besides me gets good threadds going which are good arguments? NO one, everyone usually agrees with each other (you people know that is true). Yes, I am also a bit angry at The UK. Your society allows unimpeded immigration to your country by people who would get angry about my country killing a mass murderer. How much blood was on the hands of Bin Laden? And your citizens are protesting against my country for killing a man like that? Did these same british citizens protest on 7/7? Did they protest when the horrors of innocent brits bleeding to death because thy had their legs blown off then bled to death? No, your citizens did not. But they did protest when the man responsible for inspiring the attacks was killed. That is grotesque. Do you think The morons who carried out the attacks would have carried it out if they did were not inspired by al qaeda?

But im the one getting called out when I bring it to the spotlight. Instead of hating on me, you people should be calling up your MP's to get these idiots deported. But no...theyre not the problem, I am. lulz.

Hte all you want, Ive been here a long time and unless stimpee or som administrator bans me again, I'll continue to pop up from time to time.

And if I were under 18 the I would have to have been what, 9 when I started posting?

Some of you only see things through your world view.

Sean 05-12-2011 08:47 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death

Originally Posted by human151 (Post 150429)
You all want to believe that most people are great and everyone loves everyone else, and that the specific groups of people that are causing issues around the world are just a small amount and its really no big deal.

Who said anything of the sort?


Originally Posted by human151 (Post 150429)
Well, yes it is statistically a small amount of people, I am not ignorant enough to believe that all muslims are horrible people. I am not ignorant enough to believe that half of all muslims are bad. I am not ignoratn enough to believe that even 15% percent are bad. But I am intelligent enough to believe (and admit) that even though the number of muslims which act in a ill manner are statistically minute, it still equals a significant amount of people.

THAT'S what we've all been saying. CONSISTANTLY!


Originally Posted by human151 (Post 150429)
But im the one getting called out when I bring it to the spotlight. Instead of hating on me, you people should be calling up your MP's to get these idiots deported. But no...theyre not the problem, I am. lulz.

No,you get called out for misrepresenting everyone here's words (see beginning of my reply) and NOT showing the subtlety of thought that you've finally shown a brief glimmer of just above.

jOHN rODRIGUEZ 05-12-2011 09:33 PM

Re: British muslims protest Bin ladens death
yeah, yeah, yeah, but.......am I special?

K, have fun guys you won't hear from me for a while. I'll be back to wreck havoc on your intellects in a few weeks.

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