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Dirty0900 02-17-2008 02:01 PM

Underworld Spotting [Again]
Watching "The Convention Crasher" on Channel 4 where Justin Lee Collins attempts to pass off a various talent in less then a month to win a competition. In this episode he was training to be a ventriloquist and in come Doot Doot during one of the scenes. Haha!

dubman 02-17-2008 03:40 PM

Re: Underworld Spotting [Again]
on thursday my native american studies class was watching a video called "alcatraz is not an island" (it's about how when a lot of natives were practically lured out of reservations with promises of a future and then were left to rot after a less than stellar "starter kit." they'd form these communities and from that grew a movement that attempted to claim the newly abandoned alcatraz facility using a stipulation in previous treaties/contracts about "unused land"). it was pretty great and for a protest went on for a really long time (18 months. on an emptied prison facility with barely running water and supply shortages.). eventually, after a series of tragedies and people going a bit nuts, attrition sets in, and thats when the people from washington came to negotiate.

it was around that time that the final act of stagger could be heard pretty clearly...

viddy 02-18-2008 10:10 AM

Re: Underworld Spotting [Again]
I was watching "Sunshine", which came out on DVD earlier this year, and "To Heal" was in one part.

gillenium 02-18-2008 11:44 AM

Re: Underworld Spotting [Again]

Originally Posted by viddy
I was watching "Sunshine", which came out on DVD earlier this year, and "To Heal" was in one part.

Underworld scored that film ;)

gaborez 02-19-2008 01:32 AM

Re: Underworld Spotting [Again]
'to heal' was in sunshine? wow! ;)

the underworld mix of bjork - human behaviour was in masterchef last night. i wasn't watching it, honest..... ahem :)

nosajmunson 04-26-2008 09:31 AM

underworld at large
So I am at a local gas station yesterday and as gas stations go, there is nothing fancy about this one. I go in to buy Soda & Smokes and as I am standing in line to pay, TwoMonthsOff starts palying through the speakers.

I was amazed that a gas station in the middle of Colo Spgs, CO would be jamming Underworld. The kid behind the counter said it was satellite radio being piped in. He said the manager picks the stations at random everyday.
So I let everyone else go in front of me so I could hear more of the song (which by the way was the AHDO album version).

When I finally got back in line to pay, I noticed an older woman (Mid 60s) in front of me bopping her head in beat to the song. I asked "Like the music?" she smiled & said "Catchy".

Anybody else ever hear Underworld out and about in the world? Or in unlikely places. (Clubs don't count)



TheBang 04-26-2008 02:22 PM

Re: underworld at large
Yeah, I think some people heard Underworld out and about in the world over here:

http://www.darktrain.org/dirty/forum...read.php?t=624 ;)

BeautifulBurnout 04-26-2008 02:26 PM

Re: underworld at large

Originally Posted by TheBang (Post 94763)
Yeah, I think some people heard Underworld out and about in the world over here:

http://www.darktrain.org/dirty/forum...read.php?t=624 ;)

Yeah - hasn't been updated for a long while. Maybe we should keep this one in "Moments" and start the ball rolling again with new stuff? :)

nosajmunson 04-27-2008 08:16 PM

Re: underworld at large

Originally Posted by TheBang (Post 94763)
Yeah, I think some people heard Underworld out and about in the world over here:

http://www.darktrain.org/dirty/forum...read.php?t=624 ;)

I thought we should start the underworld spotting again, but I was thinking we should do it here. That other thread hasn't been added to in a long while. Plus it was more geared towards underworld in films, tv, etc.
I had more of a "Dude, I just heard UW while I was..." type thing.

Here's another UW at large story:

I was doing a technical training certification at this company in Atlanta a few years ago. Their building was so swank. The trainer said he had figured out how to hack into their Building Wide music system from his desktop. I said, sure fine whatever. He asked what my favorite band was, I told him. A bit later, I got up to use the restroom. While I was washing my hands, the boring bathroom music changed rather violently from Dean Martin to Underworld's MOANER. It only lasted for about 45 seconds then back to Dean Martin.
When I went back to class, the trainer was grinning ear to ear. Guess the dude had skill after all.


galama 04-29-2008 07:15 PM

Re: underworld at large
I was at a bar in New Jersey to celebrate my friend's birthday. While working on my few glasses of johnny and coke I was constantly eying the jukebox which was spanking new, flashy, computerized and, as I later found out, connected to the net. So i thought...no fucking way! No? Yes! Nnn...YES! Casually strolled to it and had crocodile, born slippy and moaner cued up right after series of sucky rock tunes and MTV hip hop vomits. When Crocodile played people didn't pay much attention on it...they were like, whatever. Then born slippy got the attention of all the people who have seen Trainspotting, because otherwise I'm sure nobody knows the track from another place. Finally, when Moaner started playing i was grinning ear to ear. When Karl gradually went nutter with the vocals, I got the feeling that people got weirded out but i really didn't give a fuck although Moaner not even remotely it in the atmosphere of that place. I felt really good though because i stirred everybody. Most importantly the girl who celebrated her birthday liked Moaner because "the lyrics were intense"...and she got a CD with other great UW tracks. Eventually she went with me to see UW live in NY.

Another UW moment. Few years ago in Macedonia, I had just came back from a night out, got home and launched myself on the bed to recoup. I put the TV on some random channel and as i started dozing off i head river of bass played as a background theme for one of those general information programs that tells the weather, stocks, what's playing in the theater and so on. At that very moment river of bass hit the spot as its one of my favorite downtempo UW tunes.

geoff 04-29-2008 09:15 PM

Re: underworld at large
I was eating at the Legal Seafood in Braintree, MA with my girlfriend, when i heard something creeping out of the silence, just above the soft din of the restaurant, pulling at my ears... my subconscious knew what it was, something quietly familiar, surreal, and I honestly thought it might just be in my head. But, as it slowly kept getting louder, suddenly I realized what it was: the original version of Rez, the full 9-odd minutes of it. I freaked out, got up to find out if it was really on the house speakers or if somebody was playing it on a cellphone or something. My girlfriend thought I was weird. Sure enough, the restaurant was playing it. I sat back down, enjoyed it, and for a moment felt like I was someplace where good music was actually popular. I wondered what the rest of the clientèle thought of the music. I don't think I've ever heard Underworld played in public besides that one instance... Sad really.

gillenium 04-29-2008 09:20 PM

Re: underworld at large
Am I the only one who thinks not hearing Underworld out in the real world is a good thing?

Frankily, if I saw some dude in a dirty pick-up truck blasting Moaner... I may have to reconsider my superfan status. Country and pop belong out there, because they suck. Underworld belongs in here.

geoff 04-29-2008 09:42 PM

Re: underworld at large
Dudes in pickup trucks listening to Moaner sounds hilarious :)

I'm thinking more "normal" people would really dig underworld, given the chance.

mondokat 05-02-2008 07:40 AM

Re: underworld at large
I was watching the new version of Vanilla Sky (with Tom Cruise) and at the end when he's taking the elevator to the top of the building they were playing "Doot Doot" as the elevator music. I just about crapped myself and had to stay through the credits to see it written out.

galama 05-23-2008 08:17 AM

Re: underworld at large
Yesterday i head a fraction of Sola Sistim on NPR 91.5 as an introduction to some talk show about health :)

ndrwrld 05-23-2008 09:00 AM

Re: underworld at large
just before the puck drops at every Toronto Maple Leafs home game, Born Slippy plays.
but the Leafs still suck.
must have something to do with Toronto...:confused:

mondokat 06-09-2008 07:37 AM

Re: underworld at large
I was at the Wyndham in Santa Ana, CA this weekend and heard Mo Move coming out of Terra Nova next door. The next day I heard crocodile. Totally made my day, both times...

IsiliRunite 06-14-2008 05:32 PM

Re: underworld at large
I play Underworld as frat parties are winding down, which means the audience is slightly more alert and bright than Toronto maple leafs fans :)

just kidding, I just hate the NHL bias towards Canadian teams :D I have never heard any Underworld at the Tigers, Red Wings, or Pistons games I have been to. I think they are not popular enough among sports fans and the techies like to play stuff that is exciting and nostalgic

Maybe Detroit could use a *cough* live show *cough* to make up for this under-representation...

testudo 06-17-2008 08:53 AM

Re: underworld at large
Yes, I have a story.

It was New Years (2001-2002, maybe?) at a VERY small bar in Forest Hills Queens, NYC.

I was leaving before midnight and the DJ played, Jumbo... and some would say this is not weird, I just think from the selection that the DJ was playing it really weirded me out (very straight techno stuff), I wish I had talked to the guy before I left.

nosajmunson 06-23-2008 03:47 PM

Re: underworld at large
For shits and giggles, I loaded UW's Peachtree & To Heal as the hold music today for all of our customers. So for that 15 minutes or so, 550+ people heard UW while they waited on the phone.

TheBang 06-23-2008 04:10 PM

Re: underworld at large
You had 550 people waiting for 15 minutes?! :eek:

Dirty0900 06-24-2008 02:52 AM

Re: underworld at large
Mo Move used on The Real Hussle on BBC 3

pafufta816 06-24-2008 08:23 AM

Re: underworld at large
i would call my bank and internet provider constantly if they played UW while you waited.

ndrwrld 07-03-2008 09:54 PM

Re: underworld at large
during Pride celebrations here in Toronto, on the main stage, Dr Trance aka Don Berns spun his usual trancey proggy set, and inserted Born Slippy.
i had a feeling one of the 5 dj's were going to play something by UW, and once i heard those percussive drums, i lost my shit.

Dirty0900 07-07-2008 07:12 AM

Re: underworld at large
Dirty Epic oddly used on the Tour de France last night.

potatobroth 07-07-2008 10:20 AM

Re: underworld at large
Listening to Ron and Fez on XM202. and they just dropped the opening chords of Pearl's Girl as the bumper coming back from break. It went up to the part right before the stuttering chatter/bass drop. I recogized it within one-half second of hearing it. :)

idoru 07-12-2008 06:53 PM

Re: underworld at large
Spotted a bit of Freur in Seattle this weekend. Was walking down to a small afterhours spot at a place called Hengst Studios and noticed that a car parked close to it had the Freur squiggle symbol hanging from its rearview mirror.

Maybe it's from a Dirt, maybe it's not, but I was surprised regardless because of how obscure it was.
Ford ranch wagon picture

King of Snake 07-13-2008 02:13 AM

Re: underworld at large
was at a big beach party in Amsterdam last weekend (joined by Jason & John Roth who happened to be over from NYC on holiday) and as I walked over from one end of the festival to the other I could hear the dj in the distance playing Dark Train. Needless to say I hurried over there and took this vid (then started dancing my ass off :P)

crazysugarboy 07-13-2008 11:27 AM

Re: underworld at large

Originally Posted by King of Snake (Post 98925)
was at a big beach party in Amsterdam last weekend (joined by Jason & John Roth who happened to be over from NYC on holiday) and as I walked over from one end of the festival to the other I could hear the dj in the distance playing Dark Train. Needless to say I hurried over there and took this vid (then started dancing my ass off :P)

Great vid Michiel - makes me sooo hunger for a music fest - roll on creamfields:)

Jason Roth 07-14-2008 07:41 AM

Re: underworld at large

Originally Posted by King of Snake (Post 98925)
was at a big beach party in Amsterdam last weekend

Now that was some serious fun.


Dirty0900 07-27-2008 05:16 AM

Re: underworld at large
Was watching the film Eurotrip yesterday and at the very beginning in the main characters room, there is a massive AHDO poster on his bedroom wall. From some of the shots, it gives UW quite a bit of free publicity!

DaddyAdv 07-28-2008 04:19 AM

Re: underworld at large
I was listening to german radio Deutschlandfunk yesterday evening, a cleverly produced free-style documentary about gambling and casinos in Germany was on.

It hat some very good sound/text cut-up style mixture, and first parts and then the opening beats of Beautiful Burnout came up. Sounded like a remix, like Rick tends to open BB live.

TheBang 07-28-2008 10:33 AM

Re: underworld at large

Originally Posted by DaddyAdv (Post 99764)
It hat some very good sound/text cut-up style mixture, and first parts and then the opening beats of Beautiful Burnout came up. Sounded like a remix, like Rick tends to open BB live.

I believe that would be the Original Unfaded mix, available on promo CD and some digital downloads.

nosajmunson 09-02-2008 12:34 PM

Re: underworld at large
From my Brother Jared:

He was watching an older episode of Top Gear on BBC America last night.
It was the German Uber Driver Girl, in a Ford Van zooming around her track, trying to finish the track in less than 10 minutes, all the while UW's Dark Train was playing. She didn't make it.

From what my Borhter tells me, they play a lot of Underworld on Top Gear.

Jan 09-17-2008 01:37 PM

Re: Underworld Spotting [Again]
I've just watched 'Raus aus den Schulden' on RTL (German dirts may know that show), and in two scenes there was playing Air Towel in the background. I was excited, as I always am when an Underworld song plays on TV (doesn't happen too often).
After that I randomly zapped around, landed on WDR and couldn't believe what I heard: Confusion the Waitress as background music for a programme about Uterine leiomyomata?!
Two Underworld songs on two different channels within five minutes? Not bad...

sanakan 09-22-2008 02:28 PM

Re: Underworld Spotting [Again]
and you're not ashamed to post what crap you're watching, jan? ;)

Jan 09-22-2008 03:48 PM

Re: Underworld Spotting [Again]
If it has Underworld in it, it is no crap.

dubman 09-24-2008 02:32 AM

Re: Underworld Spotting [Again]
theres a dateline program about ecstacy that kinda sorta disproves that ;)

TheBang 09-24-2008 02:53 AM

Re: Underworld Spotting [Again]
Walked into my local comic shop for the first time in like a year the other week, and was surprised to hear Born Slippy Nuxx 2003 (Paul Oakenfold Mix) playing.

nosajmunson 10-10-2008 08:48 AM

Re: underworld at large
Came into work today and a fellow IT guy was listening to "Boy, Boy, Boy".

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