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TheBang 01-03-2021 11:10 AM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...
Unfortunately, the additional downloads only came with the original boxset.

negative1 01-03-2021 12:24 PM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...

Originally Posted by surfboy (Post 168451)
Yeah good point! I haven't listened to the MCR street poem thing, and I probably should given I live and study in Manchester haha. I realise I didn't get a download code in my boxset which I'm gutted about as I absolutely LOVE that Pearl's Girl jam and would pay good money for that song alone, let alone all the other hours of incredible content in that bundle. Think the downloadable content was only included in first release editions of the boxsets and not on the re-released ones (i.e. not the one I bought the other day). :( Oh well I can't complain, I have a ridiculous amount of UW goodies to enjoy for a while.

I might email the company and see if I should have gotten a download link (I doubt it, but no harm in asking). You never know ;)

send me a PM.


Jon S 01-08-2021 11:15 AM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...
The Manchester Street Poem doesn't seem to be available to buy anymore... any inside info on whether that will change?

dubman 02-11-2021 04:03 PM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...
Raising this from the dead because I'm popping in

- Favourite "single" of: Dust, Atom, Heart, Space, and Game (and why?)
DUST: Another Silent Way / Drift Poem / Better Than Diamonds
ATOM: Roof Off
HEART: Seven Drone Music
SPACE: Border Country (though it's virtually tied w/ Big Bear)
GAME: Toluca Stars
Don't mean to be difficult and favor the alt tracks, but it can't be helped!

- Overall favourite track?
That's still pretty tough, but probably Seven Drone Music

- Choice of underrated tracks?
This is my favorite question, because some unexpected likes and surprising shelf-lives have developed over time:
I like the Aditya Game version of Soniamode?? moreso than the original? even if I still think it's doofy and strange. it made it onto my LP head canon. what?
I know it's unloved here but I still love Do Breakers Trip. It's fans of Hundred Weight Hammer I don't understand.
Tree and Two Chairs gets more play than a 13 minute relaxer has any right to. it moves just right.
STAR was kind of fun when it was out, and even spurred me into making a thread for whose ours were. Time hasn't done this one right though, its awkwardness hasn't settled right like it does for most UW left turns.

- Which track you would most like to see revisited (either live, remixed, extended, etc.)
As much as I like Pinetum, it still feels like it's missing something! maybe a little lemon.

- Anything else you want to mention!
The long version of BYTWB is the only version allowed to exist

iamneorev 02-11-2021 06:18 PM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...

Originally Posted by dubman (Post 168508)
I know it's unloved here but I still love Do Breakers Trip. It's fans of Hundred Weight Hammer I don't understand.
Tree and Two Chairs gets more play than a 13 minute relaxer has any right to. it moves just right.
STAR was kind of fun when it was out, and even spurred me into making a thread for whose ours were. Time hasn't done this one right though, its awkwardness hasn't settled right like it does for most UW left turns.

I'm with ya on this. I quite like Do Breakers Trip, but not really a fan of Hundred Weight Hammer. Also, I never really dug STAR either.

darmok 02-16-2021 12:32 AM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...

Originally Posted by dubman (Post 168508)
I know it's unloved here but I still love Do Breakers Trip. It's fans of Hundred Weight Hammer I don't understand.

Feels like I’ve wandered into a parallel universe. Do Breakers Trip is just... nah, though it’s not as immediately mute button smashing as Moth at the Door.

Have a feeling that one’s opinion on Hundred Weight Hammer follows Ring Road. Me, love em both.

holden 02-20-2021 12:31 PM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...
Having lived with the project for a while and upon recently revisiting, here's where I'm at presently:

- Favourite "single" EP: I'm actually going to go with Episode 1 -"Dust", because it was the start of the project and I was very excited and unsure how the series would evolve, but they came out banging with "Universe of Can When Back", "Dexter's Chalk", and "Another Silent Way". These tracks still resonate as fresh and forward-looking, and I've come to really appreciate the words and sentiment of "Low Between Zebras" in the context of the Drift series and where it's cropped up elsewhere (Rick's live jam, "Another Silent Way/Drift Poem/Better than Diamonds" on extended EP, the Drift promos).

Favorite track from each EP:
Dust: "Dexter's Chalk" ... pure acid energy! The whole "he doesn't want to talk to anyone!" bit does me in.
Atom: "Threat of Rain" ...for the simple joys of a long, interesting sonic jam that holds attention and keeps surprising.
Heart: "Custard Speedtalk" just narrowly over "This Must Be Drum Street" (see below)
Space: "Schiphol Test"... moody, melancholy, nostalgic,. "Most 'Ospital" and "Push Upstairs" had offspring.
Game: "Give Me The Room" - dark and dubby.

- Overall favorite track? Ooh, that's tough. Currently, I love the vibe of "Custard Speedtalk", it just feels like R&K are confident in each other's contributions, everything sits well. Friendly studio chatter. Interesting vocal POV. "Universe of..." still holds a high place, and "Schiphol test" just seems quintessentially UW, and wouldn't have been out of place on STITI for me.

- Choice of underrated tracks? "Big Bear" is a fun blippy electro track with cool notebook lyrics. "Tree and Two Chairs" really takes off in interesting places for me, sort of an update of "Hamburg Hotel" from the Barking era.

- Which track you would most like to see revisited (either live, remixed, extended, etc.). "Two Arrows" has a rock element in the distorted/vocoded vocals, fine, but with unnecessary, cringe strings. I'd love to hear this remixed as more of a straight dance track, more electronic elements.

Just a massive amount of music, and I will/do attach a lot of nostalgia to certain tracks as i recall where I was when first hearing them, discovering new sounds and reordering the episodes per my mood.

dubman 02-27-2021 10:12 AM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...

Originally Posted by darmok (Post 168516)
Have a feeling that one’s opinion on Hundred Weight Hammer follows Ring Road.

officially feeling attacked as that's absolutely correct

Drix 03-01-2021 04:23 AM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...

Originally Posted by negative1 (Post 168453)
send me a PM.


I sent one as well, hope that's ok! :)

surfboy 05-20-2021 02:39 PM

Re: While we wait for Drift Series 2...
Sorry, am back from the dead. Can't promise I'll be around regularly but will check this from time to time (studies are crazy lately)! Thanks for your responses everyone, it's been really interesting reading your opinions. I've not listened to drift much since I bought the boxset and devoured it for a few weeks on repeat. Will likely be diving back in as there's just so much content for one year's worth of output, it really is incredible.

I like what someone said about "Moth at the door". At first I misread it as "Holding the Moth", which I HATED the first few times I listened but now it's one of my faves from that era and in my regular rotation. But yeah "Moth at the door" I'm not a fan of haha. I think there's a few other tracks for me that are the "slam the skip button" like "Poet Cat", "Hundred Weight Hammer", and "Molehill" for me.

I'm in agreement about "Schiphol Test". I think it may have been the first Drift song I heard from the project and although it took me a while to warm to this stuff (I was a new UW fan at the time and expecting something along the lines of Dubno or STITI) but have to say I love the new direction they're going in lately. I love these ones that unfurl over the course of the song like "Universe of can when back" and "Tree and Two Chairs". I could happily listen to a full 40 minute jam of Tree + Two chairs...

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