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cacophony 09-09-2008 04:55 PM

Re: sarah palin?
i hit my saturation point today. we need to get into the presidential candidate debates. since the conventions too much conversation has revolved around the VP candidates. we're all losing focus. the VP isn't where the game is played. we need to remember that the buck stops at the presidency and get back to talking about obama vs mccain.

Deckard 09-09-2008 05:20 PM

Re: sarah palin?
Hear hear.

gambit 09-09-2008 05:39 PM

Re: sarah palin?
I concur 15,000,000%. Actually, I'm getting sick and fucking tired of Sarah Palin. There are too many inconsistencies, corruptions, and outright lies that I feel like my brain's going to explode. Fuck, I just want to see her respond to questions and not just regurgitate everything she said back in the RNC.

Sarcasmo 09-09-2008 09:07 PM

Re: sarah palin?
Well, get used to it, because the McCain campaign strategy is to keep Palin on notes cribbed from her RNC speech. I'm assuming it's to avoid the same kinds of gaffes she made about Fannie/Freddie until they can bring her up to speed enough so that she doesn't make a complete ass of herself.

There's nothing to be said about the VP portion of the race until after the first debate, IMO.

One thing that's been bothering me about Obama as of late is the way he deflects questions and booing about Sarah Palin

(because I'm too stupid to know how to put it in properly)

"What's the difference between the presidential campaign before and after the national political conventions? Lipstick. The colorful cosmetic has become a political buzzword, thanks to Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's joke in her acceptance speech that lipstick is the only thing that separates a hockey mom like her from a pit bull.
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama told an audience Tuesday that GOP presidential nominee John McCain says he'll change Washington, but he's just like President Bush.
"You can put lipstick on a pig," he said to an outbreak of laughter, shouts and raucous applause from his audience, clearly drawing a connection to Palin's joke even if it's not what Obama meant. "It's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years."
McCain's campaign called the comments "offensive and disgraceful" and said Obama owes Palin an apology. Obama's campaign said he wasn't referring to Palin and said the GOP camp was engaging in a "pathetic attempt to play the gender card." Obama's camp also noted that McCain once used the same phrase to describe Hillary Rodham Clinton's health care plan."

Whether or not it was a innocent slip up (guarantee it wasn't) I see it as kind of a cheap shot, and that bothers me, because when McCain said it, I was pissed that McCain had been so tasteless. These kinds of statements are absolutely calculated when they're applied this way.

"'Look, she's new, she hasn't been on the scene, she's got five kids. And my hat goes off to anybody whose looking after five. I've got two and they tire Michelle and me out,' he said."

Why not just pat her on the head and tell her if she gets tired, she can go right back to being mommy homemaker? I find statements like this pretty damned condescending.

dubman 09-09-2008 09:28 PM

Re: sarah palin?
i think the pig reference was pretty fun actually. mccain dropped it about romney and it's not like it wasnt true, and the lipstick add-on by obama was a dig at palin's stupid-ass speech and calling out mccain on exactly what he did: toss a woman in there just to generate buzz and use her gender as an election stump.

if i didnt agree with cacophony that the VP apoplectics need to stop, i'd say obama should have dodged this hedging and called him out directly for being so goddamn cynical and insulting. but it's a little late now and things are definitely losing focus.

that last bit about the kids was weird though. whats the point of *that* one?

gambit 09-09-2008 10:28 PM

Re: sarah palin?

Before we get all up in a huff and puff, let's read what came before the "You can put lipstick on a pig" line.


"John McCain says he’s about change too, and so I guess his whole angle is ‘Watch out George Bush -- except for economic policy, health-care policy, tax policy, education, policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove style politics -- we’re really going to shake things up in Washington,'" Obama said today at a town hall in Lebanon, VA.

He then added, "That's not change. That's just calling the same thing something different. But you know, you can ... put lipstick on a pig; it's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change; it's still going to stink. After eight years, we've had enough of the same old thing. It's time to bring about real change to Washington."
Obama never actually mentioned Palin's name in this portion of his speech. It wasn't even directed towards her.

Deckard 09-10-2008 01:18 AM

Re: sarah palin?
Obama didn't need to mention her.

Unless McCain has started wearing lipstick, I'd say the double-meaning is shouting out. Yes, it's same old Republican policy trying to come across as change. And it's... oh, look, hahahaha, Sarah Palin with lipstick... as a PIG!!!

Cmon, it's obvious! It 'worked' because it had two readings in this instance - the safe one, and the risque one. Though of course in the overall scheme of things, this kind of remark won't 'work'. And the Dems had better watch out, because the Republicans are going to be chasing the moral high ground like this for the whole campaign from now on. Even Biden will not be immune. (Biden's comments on special needs kids called 'new low')

Paw widdle Wepublicans. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. They don't caaaare...... :rolleyes:

Troy McClure 09-10-2008 01:23 AM

Re: sarah palin?
Dick Cheney said the same thing campaigning against John Kerry back in 2004:

Here's what McCain said about Romney last December:
"Never get into a wrestling match with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it."

McCain called Senator Clinton's health care plan during her presidential campaign similar to the one she talked about while first lady in 1993.
“I think they put some lipstick on a pig,” he said, “but it’s still a pig.”

Google PWNS!

Deckard 09-10-2008 02:38 AM

Re: sarah palin?
The difference is that we have a woman in this campaign who has now specifically referenced lipstick. The moment she did that, any subsequent references to pigs and lipstick became loaded. We can't pretend she didn't say it, or that the reference doesn't now carry the danger of being viewed as a personal attack, and even a sexist attack. That might be unfair, but it's just the way it is.

What I'm saying is that it would be disingenuous for anyone to pretend that the pig/lipstick jibe now didn't work on two levels, even if one was unintentional (which btw, in all likelihood it wouldn't be, because every politico/journo heard Palin define herself by that rottweiler/lipstick comment at the convention).

You and I and everyone else here accepts that a pig/lipstick reference in 2008 should be just as valid as one in 2004, but that's not the point. The point is that the Dems will have it used against them in 2008 because of what Palin said. And that's why the Dems need to tread careful.

If I credited him with as much intelligence, I'd almost be tempted to put the original 'rottweiler with lipstick' line down to Rove. Actually, I don't doubt his deviousness, but I suspect this is just one of those unforeseen outcomes....

Strangelet 09-10-2008 07:21 AM

Re: sarah palin?

UPDATE: The McCain campaign quickly struck back convening a conference call with reporters and former Mass. Gov. Jane Swift to paint the common expression as a sexist jab at Palin. “As far as I know there is only one candidate in this contest who wears lipstick,” Swift said.
america is a fucking circus.

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