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Old 06-13-2016, 09:04 PM
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 1,033
Re: Underworld... live?
so i haven't listened to the new album, or any of the live stuff since its release as a result. That said I agree on some levels here. I had a fantastic time at the bowl show, and the energy was intense, so they've still go 'it'. That said it's REALLY odd to me how Rick was talking about the freedom his new desk gives him and how the show /had/ become a scripted thing of him just controlling lights (barking/post-barking and pre-dubno?) and yet there's not a whole lot of actual use of the live format. My understanding is that there was some fumbling at coachella weekend 2, showing that it's all still being done live, but what's the point if there's no major changes from show to show?

I wonder if they've just grown away from using the live setting as a testing and experimentation ground. They obvioiusly jam out in studio and improv there still, but it'd be nice to see a curveball more often than at the setlist on the first show of a tour.